The Three Bears Story Stones


I began my first adventure with story stones as a gift for my grandson and I have since done several sets of stones that I have given away.

How I wish that I had taken a picture of all of them but you can’t go back and fix things like that. I’m usually only very interested in doing the art and am now reforming and trying to get interested in the art of the blog and the Internet and putting my pictures of my work out so that I can show them to people.

You might be wondering what story stones are good for. Right? The way you can use this set of story stones … The three bears… is to try to tell the story using the stones in the order that the story takes place for instance, the three Bears have just sat down to their hot porridge and they cannot eat it because it’s of course too hot so they go for a walk and during this time Goldilocks comes in and tries the porridge. Then she sits in the chairs and lays on the beds and when the three bears come home they find her in the baby’s bed asleep. It is a favorite fairytale and an old one that many people will enjoy young and old alike. The stones are meant to be enjoyed along with the story. I found that YouTube is a treasure trove of children’s stories. If you don’t have the book, check out a YouTube reading.

See if you can invent your own story. There are also games you can play but that is for another post.

I’d love to hear what you have to say.

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